
Fri, 09/10/2020

The 5th edition of the Researcher career path in Spain at a glance! has been released this October. Of interest to all the researchers community, it contains a complete diagram of the different stages of the researchers' career while identifying the funding and calls available for each stage.

Wed, 02/09/2020

The registrations for attending the European Research and Innovation Days 2020, to be held virtually from the 22 to 24 of September, are now open.

Wed, 02/09/2020

A public survey on the first Horizon Europe Strategic Plan (2021-2024) has been opened until September, 18. This Strategic Plan will define the strategic orientations for the research and innovation investments over the period 2021-2024.

Thu, 16/07/2020

Save-the-date! The European Research and Innovation Days  will take place from 22 to 24 September, 2020.

Wed, 08/07/2020

The project "Towards a new EU-LAC partnership in Research Infrastructures (EU-LAC ResInfra)"  has launched its webpage accessible at: