3rd ERANet-LAC Joint Call

The ERANet-LAC project and the EU-CELAC Interest Group, launched a new Joint Call in November 2017 to enhance the bi-regional cooperation in science, technology and innovation.

Taking into account the thematic interests of both regions, it was decided to fund 6 topics in the thematic fields of Biodiversity, Bioeconomy, Energy, Health and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

This new Joint Call incorporated novelties such as the sharing of large R&I infrastructures in Ocean Energy, under the Energy topic, and the participation of new countries such as Cuba or Israel.

Partnering Platform

A tailor-made partner search tool will help you to identify potential project partners:


National funding rules

Check the table below for the national funding regulations that apply to your country. Please be aware that, depending on the number of funding parties, there can be more than one set of funding rules per country.

Please also be aware that – especially in the early days of the call – some national funding rules might not yet be available and/or may be updated later. We recommend to check back here frequently.

Topics in the 3rd ERANet-LAC Joint Call


Sabina Guaylupo y Laura Bonora

Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), España

Anneken Reise & Uta Kiwitt-Lopez

Agencia de gestión de proyectos en el Centro Aeroespacial Alemán (DLR-PT), Alemania