ERANet-LAC Pilot Coordination Actions
The ERANet-LAC project aimed at developing and implementing strategic joint activities involving funding agencies and other actors from both regions. The project implemented “Pilot Coordination Actions”, promoting mutual opening and coordination of existing European, Latin-American and Caribbean research and innovation programmes and infrastructures.
Through the Pilot Coordination Actions (PCA), the ERANET LAC offered technical and financial support for strategic meetings in order to establish a long-lasting frame for coordination of programmes. With a bottom-up approach, the thematic priorities have beed defined by the interested research and innovation actors.
Three objectives were targeted by the PCA:
- Clustering or coordination of bilateral/multilateral funding research programmes.
- Promoting the mutual opening of infrastructures.
- Promoting opening and coordination of innovation programmes.
Topics in the ERANet-LAC Pilot Coordination Actions
Sabina Guaylupo y Laura Bonora
Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), España
Anneken Reise & Uta Kiwitt-Lopez
Agencia de gestión de proyectos en el Centro Aeroespacial Alemán (DLR-PT), Alemania /