CSA SINCERE: Flagship Action for Latin America: “A joint vision of climate science for Latin America and Europe
The European project SINCERE - Strenghtening International Cooperation on Climate Change Research, funded by Horizon 2020, has organised a side event of the COP 25, taking place in Madrid.
SINCERE, consistent with the EU research and innovation policy, is strengthening open international climate change research and innovation cooperation involving European partners in support of the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, including in the broader context of the Sendai Framework for Disaster reduction and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
One of the Flagship Actions developed under the project is focused on the design of research and innovation collaborations in Latin America, aiming to expand and deepen knowledge to support the uptake of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, climate services and resilience to disasters linked to climate change.
Within the framework of this task Flagship , two workshops were envisaged to identify common topics from the scientific point of view, preferred instruments for implementation and for collaboration between EU-LAC. The first workshop was held in Helsinki (Finnish Meteorological Institute) on 17 May 2019, and the second will take place in Madrid on the 4th of December, as a side event of the COP25.
The objectives of the workshop are to 1) to validate Helsinki outcomes with a wide range (and hopefully amount) or stakeholders, and 2) to link the discussions to main issues addressed by COP25 sessions focused on CELAC.
Those interested in participating in the workshop should write a confirmation email to the following address: era-clima@aei.gob.es