EULAC-PerMed Stakeholder Workshop: Building bridges in Personalised Medicine between Latin America-Caribbean and Europe
Montevideo, Uruguay
11/12/2019 - 09:00 to 12/12/2019 - 14:30
EU-LAC PerMed is a project funded under Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
The objectives of the EU-LAC PerMedĀ Stakeholders Workchop are:
- To present the work of the EULAC-PerMed project, mainly the results of the mapping of Personalised Medicine in LAC.
- To analyse and discuss with relevant actors from LAC the situation of Personalised Medicine in Latin America and the Caribbean, analyzing main gaps and barriers, opportunities and challenges ahead.
- To discuss the best options to promote the collaboration between LAC and EU in Personalised Medicine and how to best approach the science and policy dialogue to be carried out within the EULAC-PerMed project.
All the information on the workshop, organised by INNOVATECĀ (Spain) and the National Agency for Research and Innovation of Uruguay - ANII, is available on the EU-LAC PerMed webpage.
Draft Agenda