Results of the EU-CELAC cooperation on Research Infrastructures online seminar
As part of the work of the EU-CELAC SOM Working Group on Research Infrastructures, on February 18 took place the online seminar on EU-CELAC cooperation on research infrastructures: Formalizing collaboration between RIs in EU and LAC and Coordination with networks of National Contact Points (NCPs).
It counted with the participation of more than 100 European, Latin American and Caribbean representatives from Ministries, Research Infrastructures, Horizon 2020 National Contact Points, researchers and other stakeholders.
The seminar was based on two main themes followed by an intense debate:
- Formalizing collaboration between RIs in EU and LAC, presented by Dr. Federica Paina, External Relations Manager Euro-BioImaging and Global-BioImaging (presentation downloadable from this page), and Dr. Chris Wood, National Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy, UNAM, Mexico , and
- Coordination with networks of National Contact Points (NCPs), which was presented by Claudia Romano (AUCI-Uruguay), coordinator of the LAC NCP network,and Daniele Gizzi (APRE-Italy), RIs NCP and deputy coordinator of the RICH network.
It was clearly stated the importance of the cooperation among RIs on both regions, and although there is still work to do, advances are being made.
If you are interested in RIs cooperation, do not forget to visit the EU-LAC ResInfra project website, a project funded by Horizon 2020 ResInfra which pursues the construction of a bi-regional collaboration between European Union and the LAC countries, envisaging a range of different activities that will contribute to this aim, including the support to the SOM Working Group on RI.